Orly Zailer
Neue Portraits

3 April to 13 July 2019
BTV Stadtforum in Innsbruck
Free entrance
© Orly Zailer
3 April to 13 July 2019
BTV Stadtforum in Innsbruck
Free entrance

Moments Re-captured

The Israeli photographer Orly Zailer recreates photographs from family albums by photographing descendants of family members with as much precision as possible. She reconstructs decades-old photographs by photographing daughters, sons, grandchildren or great-grandchildren, who for a brief moment slip into the role of their forebears, thereby producing images of alleged doppelgängers who possess an almost magical charisma.

We are all familiar with the question of family resemblance: so often, children are informed of a striking facial resemblance with their uncle when he was their age, or with family members on their mother’s rather than their father’s side, or are told have their aunt’s eyes, or hands…or, surprisingly, that they do not resemble anyone in the family at all. Orly Zailer’s photographs seize upon things which in daily life cause us only fleeting concern, minor irritations which we do not pursue any further: the somewhat amused remark of a friend, an encounter with a relative at a family gathering, the feeling of surprise upon glancing at a photo album…

The vague suddenly becomes the obvious. Suspicions become revelations, on the basis of compelling evidence of the type which only photography can provide. This series of works by Orly Zailer opens up a complex discourse concerning identity and memory, using the viewer’s surprise upon seeing the pairs of photos to ask questions that naturally arise about nature and culture, and the individual and society.

© Orly Zailer

New Portraits in Tyrol and Vorarlberg

Orly Zailer began the series of works in 2012, with photographs from her own family album and images of friends and neighbours. The works have been exhibited in London, but until now not in continental Europe. For INN SITU, we invited her to continue the project on this occasion outside Israel for the first time, in preparation for a full-scale exhibition at BTV Stadtforum.

For the project, following an open call for participants in Tyrol and Vorarlberg, numerous families began taking an interest. Zailer selected suitable album photos from among those received, and arranged meetings with the descendants to get to know them personally. Scouting out suitable shooting locations and conducting painstaking research into clothing, furniture and other objects in the historic photos took around ten months.

The resulting discourse within families, their engagement with their own past and some unique moments (such as when a young woman for a brief moment transformed herself into an image of her grandmother) have created an invisible social sculpture which exerts influence on the exhibition.

For the INN SITU project twenty new works involving Tyrol and Vorarlberg residents were created.

Orly Zailer

(born 1982, Israel) studied photography at Goldsmiths College (University of London) and the NB Haifa School of Design. Exhibitions in London, Tel Aviv, Toronto and Bogotá. Internationally acclaimed series of works ‘The Time Elapsed Between Two Frames’. In the German-speaking world she has appeared on television on ARTE and 3sat, and her portrait work has been the subject of articles in Der Spiegel and Die Welt. She lives and works in Israel.

Solo Exhibitions:

  • Orly Zailer, AHNEN. Neue Porträts: BTV Stadtforum, FO.KU.S | Innsbruck | 2019
  • On Yoske’s Chair: Solo Exhibition in Ha’Kibbutz Israeli Art Gallery | Tel Aviv | 2015

Group Exhibitions and Festivals:

  • Movement – Urban Photographers: Bogotá Arte Contemporáneo | Bogotá | 2015
  • Regeneration: Doinel Gallery | London | 2014
  • Movement – Association of Urban Photographers: Silverprint Gallery | London | 2014
  • Regenerating Capital: Roca Gallery | London | 2014
  • Toronto Urban Photography Festival: 2nd place winner | Toronto | 2014
  • Crossing Lines: The Greenwich Gallery | London | 2013
  • Surface of Self: Photofusion Gallery | London | 2013
  • Urban Photography Festival: London | 2013
  • Third Effect group Exhibition: Foto8 Gallery | London | 2012
  • Home – A Collaborative Exhibition: Linear House | London | 2012
  • Photomonth: East London Photography Festival | 2012
  • Urban Photography Festival: London | 2012
  • Wizo Academy Graduation Exhibition: Haifa | 2008

The photographer wishes to thank Silvia Martin, Elisabeth Bittenauer, and Anja Strumpf for their help with the organizing of photo shoots in Tyrol and Vorarlberg, and the following companies for lending equipment as well as providing support and locations:

GENAU JETZT! Musik zwischen den Räumen

Concert première
The class led by Franz Bauer at Tiroler Landeskonservatorium (TLK)
4.10. and 5.10.2018
BTV Stadtforum Innsbruck

Concert première
with new pieces arranged by students in the composition class led by Franz Bauer at Tiroler Landeskonservatorium.
© photo4passion.at
© photo4passion.at
Concert première
The class led by Franz Bauer at Tiroler Landeskonservatorium (TLK)
4.10. and 5.10.2018
BTV Stadtforum Innsbruck

Concert première
with new pieces arranged by students in the composition class led by Franz Bauer at Tiroler Landeskonservatorium.

All innovations start at the fringes

New works are created when boundaries are broken, when different abilities interact and intertwine, when people have the chance to try things and make mistakes. New creations often come into being in places away from established centres, which tend to uphold existing views and formulas.

For the photography programme, we are inviting a select group of artists to give their take on our home. As part of the music programme, we will be commissioning musicians from Tyrol and Vorarlberg to compose concert pieces for the Stadtforum that resonate with the photographic works on an artistic level.

Innsbruck meets Leipzig: An exchange between schools and art forms

After making the decision to invite an internationally renowned art school to take part in the first exhibition in the series, it was clear who the school’s regional counterpart would be. The class led by Franz Bauer at Tiroler Landeskonservatorium (TLK) is the training centre for composition in Tyrol.


Christian Gamper

Geboren in Bozen, Kapellmeister-Ausbildung an der Musikschule Meran bei Prof. Hans Obkircher, abgeschlossenes Studium im Konzertfach Dirigieren bei Prof. Edgar Seipenbusch und Tito Ceccherini, Studium im Fach Komposition und Musiktheorie bei Prof. Dr. Martin Lichtfuss sowie Franz Baur. Diverse Uraufführungen, u. a.Auftragskomposition bei den Gustav Mahler Musikwochen in Toblach im Auftrag des Südtiroler Künstlerbundes.

Benedikt Huber

Geboren in München, aufgewachsen im Ammertal. Musikwissenschaftsstudium an der Universität Innsbruck, Studium der Komposition und Musiktheorie in der Klasse Franz Baur am Tiroler Landeskonservatorium, begleitet von zahlreichen Uraufführungen durch WINDKRAFT und das Ensemble KONStellation sowie Preisen, etwa des Tiroler Sängerbundes. Derzeit intensive Beschäftigung mit neuen Spieltechniken, dem Tintinnabuli-Stil und mathematischen Modellen in der Musik.

Elias Praxmarer

Geboren in Hall in Tirol, studiert Instrumentalpädagogik mit den Hauptfächern Klavier und Orgel am Mozarteum Salzburg (Expositur Innsbruck), zudem Komposition und Musiktheorie am TLK in der Klasse Franz Baur. Mehrere Stipendien, u. a. ECHO-Stipendium, Förderpreis der Landesmusikschule Ötztal. 2016 und 2017 wurden ihm für seine Kompositionen »Fantasie für Klavier zum 100. Todestag von Max Reger« und »Phantasmagorie für zwei Orgeln« die Kompositions-Stipendien kraftfeld neue musik (Tirol) und Pauls-Sakral verliehen.

Andreas Trenkwalder

Aufgewachsen in Zirl, studierte er am Mozarteum Salzburg Instrumentalpädagogik (Violine, Viola, Jazz) und am Tiroler Landeskonservatorium Komposition bei Franz Baur sowie Computermusik an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz. Er veröffentlichte diverse Arbeiten für Chor, Kammer- und Streichorchester sowie elektroakustische Werke. Andreas Trenkwalder ist Preisträger des Hilde-Zach-Förderstipendiums für Komposition der Stadt Innsbruck 2017.

Manuel Zwerger

In Bozen geboren, Studium der Oboe am Konservatorium Bozen und am Tiroler Landeskonservatorium sowie ebendort Komposition und Musiktheorie bei Franz Baur. Zurzeit studiert er Komposition an der Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus. 2017 – 2019 erhielt er das Stipendium der Akademie Musiktheater heute (Deutsche Bank Stiftung). 2018 Träger des Hilde-Zach-Förderstipendiums für Komposition der Stadt Innsbruck.

Walk-through concert

The composers were instructed to compose a piece of chamber music approximately seven minutes in length for two to three instruments. Folkert Uhde, a dramatic adviser for concerts who hails from Germany, will be responsible for designing the concert experiences featuring these five new works. Uhde is a pioneer of new concert formats (Radialsystem arts centre, Berlin; Montforter Zwischentöne, Feldkirch) and developed the production for the evening in collaboration with the composers from Tyrol.

© photo4passion.at
© photo4passion.at
© photo4passion.at
© photo4passion.at
© photo4passion.at
© photo4passion.at


03. April 2019, 7.00 p.m.
Auschnitt aus einem Dialog
© Iris Krug
03. April 2019, 7.00 p.m.

The dramaturgical triad of the INN SITU series is rounded off by an accompanying dialogue. Personalities from academia, mainstream culture and music are invited to provide their responses to the exhibition, and we experiment with new discussion formats.

Each of the three speakers will select a photograph from the exhibition and discuss it with conversation partners. Free-flowing dialogue with music, reflecting different points of view, inspired by Orly Zailer’s ANCESTORS exhibition and focusing on the topics of identity, memory and belonging.

c_Katerina Haller

Katerina Haller

is a scenographer and cultural studies specialist, with a degree in scenography and philosophy, and feminist social and cultural studies. In her work and teaching she focuses on the multi-layered effects of urban life, and on social and socio-political structures in mutual interaction with design


Edith Hessenberger

holds a doctorate in ethnology and geography. Director of the Ötztaler Museen (a group of museums) in Tyrol since 2018, she is also a freelance cultural studies specialist. Her scholarly focus is on narration research and oral history, the history of Alpine agriculture, the history of tourism and Alpinism, and migration research.


Hanno Loewy

holds a degree in literature, cultural and media studies. He is an exhibition curator and journalist and has been the director of the Jewish Museum Hohenems since 2004. From 2011 to 2017 he was President of the Association of European Jewish Museums. Numerous articles on film and photography, Jewish history and contemporary Jewish studies.

Musikalische Kommentare und Zusammenfassungen

Siggi Haider (accordion, vocals, percussion)—musical adventurer
The Tyrolean artist has been a firmly established theatre and radio musician in southern regions of the German-speaking world for many years. Various solo activities, including with well-known actors Felix Mitterer and Tobias Moretti, and with the Modern Times Orchestra at the Ruhrtriennale music and arts festival.
Iris Krug

Julia Haider (saxophone and vocals, actress)
writes and plays music for the stage. Various collaborations with her father Siggi Haider, e.g. with Felix Mitterer in Kafka’s “Report to an Academy”.