
03. April 2019, 7.00 p.m.
Auschnitt aus einem Dialog
© Iris Krug
03. April 2019, 7.00 p.m.

The dramaturgical triad of the INN SITU series is rounded off by an accompanying dialogue. Personalities from academia, mainstream culture and music are invited to provide their responses to the exhibition, and we experiment with new discussion formats.

Each of the three speakers will select a photograph from the exhibition and discuss it with conversation partners. Free-flowing dialogue with music, reflecting different points of view, inspired by Orly Zailer’s ANCESTORS exhibition and focusing on the topics of identity, memory and belonging.

c_Katerina Haller

Katerina Haller

is a scenographer and cultural studies specialist, with a degree in scenography and philosophy, and feminist social and cultural studies. In her work and teaching she focuses on the multi-layered effects of urban life, and on social and socio-political structures in mutual interaction with design


Edith Hessenberger

holds a doctorate in ethnology and geography. Director of the Ötztaler Museen (a group of museums) in Tyrol since 2018, she is also a freelance cultural studies specialist. Her scholarly focus is on narration research and oral history, the history of Alpine agriculture, the history of tourism and Alpinism, and migration research.


Hanno Loewy

holds a degree in literature, cultural and media studies. He is an exhibition curator and journalist and has been the director of the Jewish Museum Hohenems since 2004. From 2011 to 2017 he was President of the Association of European Jewish Museums. Numerous articles on film and photography, Jewish history and contemporary Jewish studies.

Musikalische Kommentare und Zusammenfassungen

Siggi Haider (accordion, vocals, percussion)—musical adventurer
The Tyrolean artist has been a firmly established theatre and radio musician in southern regions of the German-speaking world for many years. Various solo activities, including with well-known actors Felix Mitterer and Tobias Moretti, and with the Modern Times Orchestra at the Ruhrtriennale music and arts festival.
Iris Krug

Julia Haider (saxophone and vocals, actress)
writes and plays music for the stage. Various collaborations with her father Siggi Haider, e.g. with Felix Mitterer in Kafka’s “Report to an Academy”.